
Snacks, rollups, and nut bars loaded with great nutrition can easily be dried with the issue of thickness solved when prepared with a food grinder then spread out evenly on a non-stick drying sheet. Microorganisms are killed when temperatures reach 140 -145 degrees F, for forty mini blender Suppliers five minutes, or 165-168 degrees F, for twenty minutes. While food dehydrators may work different on an individual basis, consistent thickness in food preparation remain key, to the results you are looking for from your food dehydrator. There are many available designed for home use. Uniform thickness also provides thorough drying avoiding areas within the food that might spoil over the period of storage. Meat is a good example of making sure your food cuts are uniform. However, you can do a good job with a sharp knife. You do not get good results with uniform slices if meat is frozen hard and you attempt to slice during the thaw-out phase. The emphasis here, is on properly dried.

A good way for fruits and vegetables to be prepared for the food dehydrator is running them through a food grinder. Most modern day food dehydrators provide a range that includes those temperatures. If you think the your food may have gotten contaminated from any source then you can simply freeze it for forty eight hours.

Uniform thickness pays dividends with food storage also. Additionally, it is a great help to partially freeze food, especially meat, to the point of good stiffness, yet not frozen hard, before slicing.

A food slicer is a great tool for consistent food prep. A piece of meat three quarters inch thick on one side, and one quarter inch thick on the other, will not dry properly in any food dehydrator.

It is noteworthy to always handle Ice Cream Maker Suppliers food under sanitary conditions during all phases of the drying process. While there are many different foods that can be dried, focus here will concentrate on those foods that require some sort of slicing, fruits, vegetables, and meats, being the most common. A juicer, or juicer blender combination will do an adequate job on most fruits, and some of the softer vegetables. Whether you use a vacuum sealer, air tight jars, or freeze it, the more consistent the thickness of the food, the easier food storage becomes.
This article explores a key issue of food preparation for food dehydrators and how a few simple steps can create perfect results with any dehydrator. Understandably, not all fruits and veggies can withstand even partial freezing without sustaining damage.

In summary your food dehydrator will perform better by preparing food that is cut with uniform thickness, whether done with a food slicer, or a good sharp knife. I prefer a Chef’s knife as the large blade provides stability when making individual slices.


Uniformity is key to having food dry in a consistent manner. Getting your food to a consistent thickness therefore, allows for uniform drying, and that means food comes out of the dehydrator properly dried, and ready to eat


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